Thursday, February 7, 2013

Girls day for February - on the road again.

We have decided while the weather is so good we should go somewhere on our days out, so last month we went to Cygnet for a bit of a look round the little shops and a picnic on the Esplanade but when the sea breeze came in early we had our picnic in the comfort of Linda's home.

This month it was New Norfolk, where we should have gone in January but the threat of bush fires in the Derwent valley made us change direction. They are gradually changing the old, almost derelict psychiatric hospital (with so many awful memories for lots of locals) into a novel tourist attraction, with little boutiquey shops selling lots of retro things (all the fashion these days) and pseudo antiques. We had coffee in the old wooden church which would ave served the inmates in the past.

Then we made our way down to the river and enjoyed our gourmet picnic there.

On the way home we saw lots of smoke, and sure enough there is a bushfire up at Collinsvale, the other side of the mountain so once again we are in clouds of smoke and cannot see the mountain. What a summer it has been for fires.

The photo is of Margaret's drive, with the blue agapanthus and beautiful trees, it is a sight to behold.

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