Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Referring to comments made on the next post

I have taken a photo of the mug in question, to prove my point!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Who's a prize Plonker then?

Oh Gawd, how can I confess? I have been complaining for days (and nights) about the noise that has been driving me potty. I thought it was Ken's phone needing recharging! It was that sort of tone. Yesterday when H and K came, after tea we all went and sat in the bedroom, waiting for it to happen, so we could route it out. It never happened and we got sidetracked.
It seemed to come from Ken's side of the bed ( well it would, wouldn't it?) so we went through all his bedside drawers searching for something electronic. The only thing we came up with was that the second phone had been off its hook and perhaps the base was telling us!

However - this morning on my solitary walk through the bush I heard it again! It was MY mobile, in MY pocket, oh dear, silly me, I must be getting old! So now I will go and recharge my phone and see how long it is before Ken or Heidi reads this!!!!!!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Karlo's birthday tea

Happy Birthday Karlo! They both came over for blue cheese, leek and thyme croquettes, and I think we all enjoyed them.

It has been sooooo hot today, I don't know if we will sleep tonight, but tomorrow they promise a nice 23 degrees, which is just as well, as we have a hospital check for Ken in the morning and gardening for me in the afternoon.

Playground for big people!


Just in case you don't believe me, I took a photo of the notice that said this is a playground for adults.what a good idea, saves paying for the gym.   They took a bit of convincing but I managed to get a couple of them on the equipment. 
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Me holding the rocks up!

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Lunch at Allona


I am showing you a photo of my lunch, roast Bruny Island Lamb all heaped on top of roast vegetables, and a photo of my companions
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A visit to the Chocolate Factory

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Didn't we have a luvverly time, the day we went to Bruny

Here are some of the happy Probus ladies on the beach at Adventure Bay.
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The sunflowers are looking up the street to cheer up anyone who comes this way. Next year I am going to plant heaps more!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Errol Flynn

Who didn't realise that the famous womanising, swashbuckling Errol Flynn was born in Tasmania in 1909.

He has gained a place on the battery point sculpture trail, in fact he has a park on the Esplanade dedicated to him and what is more he has a Star on the pavement right outside our favourite State Cinema which I must have omitted to point out to Heidi last year when she was over here, silly me!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What a difference a 't' makes!

Yesterday was the big day! It was the day I was induced (or inducted) into the Probus Club of Kingston.

Had to do a short spiel about myself. As I had decided not to tell any jokes I set about to make it a bit humerous, unlike Wendy and Margaret, who were also going through the same process.
Amongst other things I told them about the hearing deficit I sustained due to having been in the Blitz in London during the war! I told them that my left ear was my right ear and my right ear was my wrong ear and if they wished to whisper in my ear they should choose the left one, which is the right one! I think they think I am a bit of a Nut, funny how you tend to live up to your name!

Also I think I had better get myself a frock!! I felt a bit under dressed, in my orange cropped trousers and white shirt!! Seriously though, I have no I intention of getting myself all dolled up to go to meetings.

I must say, they are a very friendly lot, some of them came to me afterwards to talk about the things I had reminded them about in my short introduction. I even got asked by two separate
members of the committee to join them as Outings Organiser, but I am very proud of the new me, 'cos I resisted. Ken and Heidi would have killed me if I had gone home and told them I had taken on anything else! They think I have enough to do, which is probably right.

Sorry, no photos were taken on the BIG DAY.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Purple carrots, purple beans and purple potatoes!

What is the world coming too, these don't sell as well as the normal coloured ones!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Zucchini Pickle

Just made the second batch of pickle, don't know why I do it really, as I mostly end up giving it away as I am such a lousy salesman.

Thank goodness for the good old trusty food processor though, would not attempt this task otherwise, the chopping up is the most tedious.

Every time I go up to the gardens I dread lifting the leaves of the zucchinis, there might be a big one lurking there, which has to be picked and cannot be wasted. Mind you, I have stuffed a couple recently, when they grew up and became marrows, first I used lamb and then beef mince, and the fillings are definitely improving. Quite enjoyed it last night.


Then you soak them in brine for two hours, after which you steep them in a concoction of white vinegar, sugar (heaps - no wonder they taste so good) black mustard seed, celery seeds and turmeric for another two hours, then the worst task of all, getting them, steaming hot into sterilised jars and putting lids on, to create a vacuum. Give me wide necked bottles every time!

The finished product

And may I never see another zucchini (courgette) for a while!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The community garden

I don't mind growing it
I don't mind harvesting it
But I HATE trying to sell it!

Sunflowers, the mountain and the clouds.

Life is good when you can see all this from your porch!

Raindrops on roses

and whiskers on kittens.

How does that song go?

HE has a wonderful way of making everything look even better.

Monday, February 11, 2013

The "yours is bigger than mine" syndrome

This is Debbie's sunflower, might not be so tall but check out all those heads!

Retirement Village?

Who said Redwood was only for Oldies? This was next door neighbour Ann's washing line yesterday.

PS she has her daughter and baby staying with her for a couple of weeks!

Saturday, February 9, 2013


It's almost up to the roofline!

Harvest festival time!

Busy time watering and harvesting up at the Community Garden, especially as we have lost another couple of gardeners, but I am managing to find grateful customers here in Redwood.