Sunday, December 16, 2012

Croquet club party continued

We had our 'do' on the beach again, same venue as last year, which surprised me as some members moaned cos it was a bit cold, anyway Santa duly arrived in his snazzy kayak and lucky me was the first one to climb on his knee and assure him I was worthy of a gift, and consequently lucky me got a very wet bum as his journey had been somewhat choppy and his apron must have leaked ( that was his excuse anyway)

A couple of tasty dips and crackers prepared by Bob were followed by our Bento boxes, and then by the beautiful fruit platters done by Sue, washed down with a colourful green Punch which I thought was non alcoholic, only to discover after a couple of glasses that it contained not only gin, but also vodka. Oh well, we didn't get stopped on the way home so my Drivers Licence is still unblemished!

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