Friday, December 28, 2012

And the next day!

This day being Tims birthday we popped over there to wish him a good one, and reflect on how he had mucked up my Christmas lunch 53 years ago as he kept me waiting for two days before he put in an appearance!

Spent most of the rest of the day either coughing and spluttering (have my Annual cold at the moment!) or making up my vertical succulent garden, the frame for which I received from said son for Christmas. I will show you again when I have finished it but it will not be hung for another month or so as the plants have to take root first, otherwise you would just finish up with ahead of soil and succulents on the floor!


Anonymous said...

How many years ago? Is that correct?

Hazel said...

Well I had to work it out, are you thinking 52?

Heidi said...

Please confirm, 52 or 53?
And make sure the succulent frame will be done by the time I come visit again

Debbie T. said...

Your frame seems so organised..mine has the Helter Skelter look.....