Sunday, February 13, 2011

Value adding to my Breakfast!


I start off with my 'Karlo' muesli, then add lecathin. To this comes a couple of spoonfuls of a good cereal, then half a banana (Ken gets the other half, bananas are going to get rare in this household over the coming months!) To this I add a few chopped nuts, then the yogurt, not Lite, not healthy, but lovely unhealthy good yogurt (I justify this cos I only have a small amount!) Then come the blueberries (high in anti oxidents) and the watermelon. Then comes the espresso coffee which probably negates the whole bloomin' lot! (But I love it!!!)
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Heidi said...

How healthy can you get? But it seems a lot of work to go through before you can enjoy the result. I am still sticking to my morning fruit bowl, with lite yogurt!

Elaine said...

Sounds like too much hard work for me too - I would have to go back to bed for another sleep after that effort! But it does look good!!

hazel said...

It took longer to take the photos than it did to actually 'do' it, and it is worth the effort, which is really no effort, Elaine, you just have to get up earlier!!!