Friday, April 2, 2010

And so to bed!!

It really is whatever time it says on this Blog, it is nearly 6 a.m. and I couldn't sleep and you know how I hate wasting time!! I tried counting sheep and I tried counting from 100 backwards, so I got up, made a cup of green tea and came and did some Blogging.

Do you know where the word Blog comes from? I didn't till yesterday when I read one of Kens numerous Newsletters which comes through the computer. It is an amalgam of Web and Log, making Blog when you say it quickly. See, we're never to old to learn, I keep telling you.

One of Ken's Blonde Jokes, it's Easter, time for a joke:

This bloke was watching two blondes, one was digging a hole and the other was filling it in again, this went on all down the road and when he asked them what they were doing they explained that there were usually three of them, but the one who planted the trees was off sick!!

Happy Easter.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

And a happy Easter to you all - and thanks for the sick blonde joke, Ken