Sunday, December 11, 2011



Out with the Funeral Lillies (they are all finished) and in with the Day Lillies although we will have a bit of a lull before the next Open Home as nothing much happens around Christmas time but keep your fingers crossed for the one couple who ARE interested but have to sell first!!
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Heidi said...

And here it is "Adventssterne", "Weihnachtskaktus", Amaryllis, plus holly and ivy. But I am not in a christmasy mood this year, just count the days till I leave for the sun.
Did you get my flight plan?

Hazel said...

Yes thanks, all duly entered in my NEW 2012 Diary. Can't wait till we are driving to the airport to collect you!

Quite understand about the Chrismassy mood, I am always 'down' at this time of the year but I am working on it.