Monday, August 16, 2010

Wild Goose Chase!

Drove all the way over to Sandy Bay this morning to find the one shop I wanted to visit has Mondays OFF! As I had parked right outside the German Bakery I decided to pay them a visit and get in the mood, so I consoled myself with a great big sugary Berliner and two beautiful German looking rolls!

I resisted the urge to consume my Berliner there and then in the car as it would have been a bit messy, and also so that I could share it with you, thus not adding quite so many calories as if I had eaten it all myself!!

It was yummy!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

You'll get a chance to taste more Broetchen, Brezeln etc., vor allem die Hamburger "Franzbroetchen", die es sonst nirgends gibt!
Bis bald