Saturday, August 28, 2010






Well, where do I start??? Mucki and Peter have this wonderful holiday home in Nordfriesland, in a little village called Stadum which was about three hours drive on the motorway, over the Ship Canal joining the Nordsee to the Ostsee. Lots and lots of windfarms, why are we so behind in Tassie??

I had heard a lot about the place Peter had inherited from his old aunt, who was a bit of a recluse, and a very extraordinary person in lots of ways, we had a good giggle at all her experiences in life. This barn was originally half house and half for the animals, very primitive and Peter must have worked and worked to get it up to its high standard, it is lovely, with a mezanine area upstairs for sleeping, which is fairly open plan so you need earplugs (and in my case my ipod) to get to sleep and a quite steep staircase to negotiate if you get caught short in the night, which fortunately did not happen to me.

Peter and Mucki are very happy here, but unfortunately, because Mucki has to look after Frau Junge, who is now 96! they only get away once a year for three precious weeks.

In the evening we went to a restaurant, where they had an Italian Night, so buffet style food, and lots of it, you can imagine.

Then home to a bottle of Sekt and more celebrations for our "Auf Wiedersehen"

Everyone is being so kind, I am so lucky to have such good friends with good connections!
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