Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Today we went shopping




First to a little Antiques market and then to the big shops. I bought myself a jacket as it is a bit cooler than I had planned for. The shops are just wonderful, read on....
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This Bib says "If you dribble you will have to go in a Home" and the others said "Over 70 you are allowed to make a mess" Needless to say, I shall not be purchasing any of these for Vaucluse!!
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Ah, isn´t he sweet?


They also have a LUSH soap shop!!!
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There was a great Spice Shop!





and it all smelled (?smelt) so lovely! Am beginning to get my English and German a bit mixed up, we find ourselves speaking a mixture, what we can´t think of in one language we know in the other. We are wondering when we will run out of topics of conversation, after six weeks we may find ourselves sitting over the breakfast table in stoney silence (but I don´t think so!)
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Caution - low flying Angels





This was a lovely shop, they had just about everything you would want to give as a gift, and all so nicely packaged. The Germans certainly know how to present their stuff!!!
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Then through the Shopping Mall





to a wonderful Christmas Shop, and what about the paintings on the walls where the escalators are?
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And so to food!!





The Supermarkets are large with plenty of room between the aisles and checkouts. Everything looks so appetizing, and of course, like everywhere else, cooks are getting lazier and things like mashed potato, mashed carrots and spinach are coming in those large sausages in one of the photos!! Whatever next???
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Monday, August 30, 2010

First game of Croquet!!!




I finally got to meet Joern, the Manager of the Open event this coming weekend! As you can see, the ground is "interesting" as is the equipment, and the equipment shed, KCC take note!!
The object of the exercise was also to chose a mallet, well no RPM for me this time but I must say I did alright with the one I chose, I won´t boast about the outcome of the game!!! Beginners luck I told him!
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Boy and their toys




Sunday morning, so they are all out their enjoying themselves with their boats!!
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Surprise surprise!


They chain their bikes up to just about anything, some of them take their front wheel along with them too! It is great to see so many people riding bikes though, at the weekend you see whole families out for a ride, and bicycle clubs and lots of older people. Everywhere there are bike lanes on the footpath, which are usually marked by different paving, I have to be a bit careful where I stray.
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First bloggable bird!!





Took myself off for a long walk in the park and found my first worthwhile picture, hae not identified him yet but it should not be too difficult, I have found a good Google site on birds.
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Sunday, August 29, 2010

This and That





Just a few of my favourites from todays little outing to the fruit growing area south of the Elbe, lots of fertile land because lots of canals. Beautiful buildings, and old, really old, not like in Tasmania, where two hundred years is old!!!
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