Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Third time lucky (or unlucky - you make up your mind)

Here I am again, you would have heard from me earlier, but I had a few problems (I think it is called 'old age') Blogging is not just like getting in by opening the door, well it is really, but opening the door is not as easy as you think!!!

Anyway - all that aside - I woke up this morning to the delightful aroma of burnt porridge and no Ken in bed beside me, so I connected the two and remembered that this is the day he is getting up at the crack of dawn to go fishing (must be mad). He spent a good part of last night undoing laces and buckles on the life jacket he had lent from Tim (I won't say why!!) but in the end it was not a bad fit, just hope it does the trick, if need be.

At least I approve of the bait they are using, no nasty worms or maggots in the fridge this time, but a tasty bit of steak. It was big enough!! I said if they don't catch any fish, bring the steak home for tea, but he said Ron's sausage dog will get that if there is any left over, lucky dog!!

Must say, don't envy them, I am looking out at the sea as I type, and it looks pretty rough to me.

Enough of them, now for me!!

Last Thursday Colleen and I tramped, traipsed, clambered, slogged up a mountain for two hours in a vain attempt to see the Fagus (Nothafagus Gunnii to you,) or deciduous beech which only grows up mountains, unfortunately. We were a couple of weeks too early, wonder if she will ever speak to me again, it was a hard walk and I fully expected to ache for a week, but maybe, just maybe, I am fitter than I give myself credit for as apart from a godawful cramp when I reached the car, I had no ill effects.

All this flurry of activity is in preparation for the forthcoming walk which we are embarking on in May, Ken, Joan, Las and I. It is about 95 km along the Great Ocean Road in southern Victoria and should take us about eight days. So watch this space.

At the moment I am undertaking a 'virtual' walk from Cocklebiddy Creek to Eucla, which is across the great Nullabor, from east to west Australia!! Are you impressed? I did say it was 'virtual' so in conjunction with my trusty pedometer (which is permanently glued to my hip) I undertake to do at least 10500 steps a day and I am halfway across already. Its a piece of cake really, next month I will take on a harder challenge, we are off to bonny Scotland so see you there!!

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