Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Its enough to give you hypertension!!

My life is suddenly divided up into thirty minute sections! How strange is that? Today is the day I have a BP Monitor on so every half hour my left arm starts to blow up and I am sure it will go off pop but after a short while, a very short while, all returns to normal.

I have lumps and bumps, even more than usual, feel a bit like a Suicide Bomber (heaven forbid) and feel I could do with a bit more room between my boobs and my waist. Glad I have no outside commitments, just imagine if I had had it on this time last week when we had our first 'public engagement' (I refuse to call it a Gig) with the Gospel Choir I have recently joined. More about that later.

Wonder how my night will go, apparently after ten o'clock it will 'go off' hourly so I will have to divide my sweet dreams up into short ones.

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