Saturday, July 7, 2012



While we were in Brisbane I went down to see Macca performing. he is the one with the mike!   He doesn't get any more handsome as he gets older, unlike some men!   He had a good turnout, at least the oldies like him.

"Macca in the morning makes my day,
he picks me up when I feel down.
 I wait all week for Macca on a Sunday morning"

Thats the jingle.
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Heidi said...

and who is Macca when he is at home? Should I know him?

Hazel said...

I have often tried to get you interested in the ABC radio programme "Australia all over" on a Sunday Morning, well Macca (Ian Macnamara) is the presenter of this programme.

Heidi said...

Well, you know how I like to sleep late on a Sunday (and not only Sunday) morning

Hazel said...

No excuses, for you it would be Saturday evening. I know you go to bed quite late!