Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Finally going to join PROBUS

Went to my first (of three) PROBUS Meeting and was pleasantly surprised at how many faces I recognized there, it was like being among friends! And what a co incidence, the subject of the speaker was NO DIG gardens so it was something close to my heart and I have already chosen a spot out the back for my No Dig veggie garden, which will only be small, I don't need a huge plot. Hope I looked "smart enough" for PROBUS!


Heidi said...

very smart indeed, high heels and all!
I know you told me about Probus, but I can't remember what it is. And what is NO DIG? Does that mean raised beds? And what about the block, why do you need a veggie garden in your back yard?

Hazel said...

They are not really high but you just feel that bit smarter (and taller)
Probus is an organization for older people, usually retired, do a certain amount of charity work but mainly have interesting speakers on various topics and offshoot groups like a walking group, a cycling group, handcraft group, music ppreciation, book reviews etc etc. they also arrange outings and there is a theatre group, so it is ideal for anyone on their own.

Don't worry, I will only be joining a couple of groups!!

Do dig is yes what you say, building up instead of going down. Will keep you posted with photos of progress. Only going to do a little one, for lettuce, spring onions, etc finding it a bit windy on that little back deck, ideal for the washing bit not for lettuce! Just a challenge really, along the fence by apple trees.

debbie T. said...

Please let all your gardening buddies know that we have free coffee grounds to give away at Breadd. We pack them in flour sacks (your idea). Worms love coffee grounds and they are the demise of many slugs and snails...