Saturday, June 23, 2012

Thanks Mark, this is what you paid for! Ken had the Pork, Deb and I had the lamb with rocket salad and Polenta, beautiful!

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Heidi said...

Looks as fancy as the meal I had with Katja on Sunday - a belated birthday meal for her. On top of a new hotel on the Aussenalster with perfect view over the Alster - and to top it all, three giant balloons were floating slowly across the Alster

Hazel said...

Where are the photos then, didn't you take your camera? What about Katja she has an IPad doesn't she? talking of which could you give me her phone no, I want to try Ipadding her!!! know only a couple of people I can IPad to. Would just have to get the time right!!!

Hazel said...

Where are the photos then, didn't you take your camera? What about Katja she has an IPad doesn't she? talking of which could you give me her phone no, I want to try Ipadding her!!! know only a couple of people I can IPad to. Would just have to get the time right!!!

Heidi said...

Yes, Katja did take some pictures, although it occured too late to her to get the balloons.And she hasnt't sent me any copies
Her phone no. is 49-30-45088470

Debbie T. said...

Ken's meal appears to have the face of a goblin...Never noticed that at dinner!!! Anyway, have a safe trip to the warm country...