Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Help!! something's gone wrong!

Just look back at what I have done today and notice that there is no writing, just the pictures! Will investigate further (the trouble is, they WILL alter things - you just get comfortable with what you are doing and THEY change it all)


Anonymous said...

Thanx for posting another Newham Adventure...seems they can flat pack anything these days....Cheers to Tim for all his hard work....Don't buy any more "put togethers", may send him over the edge!!!

debbie Tamplin said...

Thanx for posting another Newham Adventure...seems they can flat pack anything these days....Cheers to Tim for all his hard work....Don't buy any more "put togethers", may send him over the edge!!!

hazel said...

Wow Debbie, you made it to the Blog, congratulations.