Monday, September 5, 2011

Making our own Pasta: Lesson No. 1.





You must be truly fed up of looking under our bed at the cobwebs, its been a week since Heidi and I had our first 'go' at making our own 'pillows' as the kids used to call them. We made the pasta on the bench, just like we had watched in the youtube video, then we made the delicious filling of spinach, ricotta and parmesan cheese seasoned with nutmeg and salt and pepper. Heidi piped in in, I covered it over and together we expelled all unwanted air and cut it up into more than bite size pieces. That evening we went back to savour the fruits of our labour and all agreed that it wasn't bad for our first attempt.

Next time she tells me we are making tortellini, so watch this space.
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1 comment:

Heidi said...

I will be watching this space! and am already looking forward to tasting the result of your efforts when I come next year. T+M have confirmed their invitation. Once I am back from Stuttgart I will get down to details.