Monday, September 12, 2011

ello ello, whats this all about?


No, we are not expecting the patter of tiny feet, at least not here, maybe in Uganda! This is my contribution to the six ladies from our choir who are leaving for Uganda on Saturday to make up a choir of l00 Australian voices who will not only sing with African children, but help to build a classroom for a Childrens Village in Uganda. Wish I was going with them, but don't envy them the nine or so jabs they had to have before leaving.
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Heidi said...

How many more projects do you sponsor? This sounds like a great venture

hazel said...

I would really have liked to go with them, but that would have cost heaps of money and Uganda is a bit dodgy, heaps of injections for one thing, and I must admit, I AM getting older and more 'fragile'!! ha ha