Monday, April 25, 2011

Blast from the past!!


This is a newspaper cutting from the Bromley Orpington Comet dated l7th January l986!
you might need to double click on the photo, to get it full size!

We all entered a slimming competition and according to the newspaper so did hundreds of other couples but for some reason or other us lot all got chosen to do the comp, all sounded a bit fishy to me! Nobody else knew that we were three sisters plus husbands, don't know what happened to all the other applicants but anyway we all went for our weigh in, Derek with a pocket full of marbles we later learnt!! A week later, after having these sachets of stuff three times a day, we had to promise to stick rigidly to the diet, we went back for another weigh in, Derek this time without his pockets stuffed with marbles!! Who do you think won, June and Derek of course, and they hadn't even had any of the substitute meals all week. They got four days holiday in Majorca, what a pair of cheats. We didn't care, we all had a jolly good laugh about the whole thing, and of course, Derek laughed the loudest!!

(I think they deserved to win, as Derek looked the biggest dalk!!)
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Heidi said...

And how long did you stick to the diet? And how much did you loose?

Hazel said...

not long and not much, can't say I remember, I know we didn't stick to it, sooner have real food and not so much of it!