Thursday, January 27, 2011

Its Berry Fruit time in Tassie





So we set off on a beautiful day, with just a cloud hovering over Mount Wellington, for Wolfe Bros. farm, about 5 km from home. We found them up dirt road at the head of a valley, lovely spot, pickers huts and bits and pieces all over the place. Apparently the Wolfe family have been in this area growing berries since the late l800's and this is their busy time of the year. There were a couple of French boys picking redcurrants and what a lovely spot, if you HAVE to work, and I would think fruit picking is pretty boring and hard going, so you really earn your money.

I loved the 'guard dog' he was watching all that was going on, but didn't seem to pose a threat, he was lovely.
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1 comment:

Heidi said...

Today the sun is shining here as well, that keeps my envy in check. And I have booked a Pittsburgh flight for April, so something to look forward to