Thursday, November 18, 2010

A joke for Helmut


This photo reminded me of a joke I heard recently! First I would explain (for the shortsighted) that Heidi is holding in her hand a pack of sausages with the interesting name of "Proud Willies" (only the Germans could give their sausages such a name.

There was a couple, married some years, when he discovered that his Willy was getting longer. His wife didn't mind a bit, at first but when the growth spurt continued and people were starting to notice, they consulted a Specialist who said he could fix the problem, no worries. The wife asked how long her husband would be on crutches, "Crutches, why crutches?" said the Surgeon. "Well you are going to lengthen his legs, arn't you?"
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1 comment:

Heidi said...

Very rude joke, but I am sure Helmut will enjoy it!