Monday, June 14, 2010

Local Photo Competition

Through the Camera Club to which I belong, I entered nine of my photos in a Photographic Competition down at Woodbridge yesterday. It was an interesting exercise, and although I did not win any of the categories I enjoyed being part of this very successful competition.

The competition was over twice as large as last year, with some 460 entries from 75 individual photographers. Just shows that I am going in the right direction but I have a LONG way to go yet!!!

The second photo shows my portrait photo of Kiya, second line down, first photo!
Maybe I should show you all nine of the photos I submitted. There were seven categories, including an Open Section, best monochrome, best land/seascape etc. etc. and it was not easy to decide which photos to submit. There are so many good photographers out there, I suppose with digital photography being so accessible more people are 'having a go' than ever before.

I have signed up for a three session Adult Ed class coming up soon, I am looking forward to learning a bit more about my camera!!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

What else will you come up with next? I admire your energy. And I spotted Kiya immediately, even without your hint. Do show your other entries, please!