Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hope you won't miss me!

Ken, Heidi and I are off to Launceston tomorrow, Heidi will come back on Tuesday but we will be staying for the week in a three bedroom apartment right in the middle of the town, in York Town Square!

On Monday we will go up to Beauty Point, there are Seahorses and Platypusses there, so look forward to some good photos.

Next Friday Ken and I are in a Statewide Golf Croquet Competition, we are quite looking forward to that, it will be fun and it doesn't matter if we don't win! But we will try!!

So the Blog will be a bit quiet for the next few days but I'll make up for it when I return.

Bye for now!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Well, hope you enjoy your stay. So I won't miss much while I am in Stuttgart (from tomorrow, 14th - back on the 21st), but will expect great photos.
And just to mention it again - you are not restricted to 4 weeks in the EU - I think I can put up with you a bit longer.

And my love to Heidi