Saturday, March 13, 2010

Girls day - again.

Our monthly chinwag and eatfest was at our house yesterday, so we had Homity Pie (an old favourite from Tea House days) with various salads, I tried out my Strawberry Balsamic Vinegar and my Extra Virgin Tasmanian Olive Oil on the salads, yummy! and for 'afters' we had Belgian Lemon Cake, sorry I didn't take a photo but that was great and went down well, they all wanted the recipe. Sometimes I wonder if they just say that OR they really mean it!!!!

Then I gave some of them a quick computer lesson on Picasa, I think when they saw how easy and quick it is to upload photos they will go home and put it on their computers, after all it doesn't cost anything!

So the other photos are just quick ones of Diane and Wendy.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Chinwag day looks great, and the menue exquisit. We'll have our Rentnerfruehstueck at my place on the 24th when I get back from Stuttgart. Will probably bring some "schwaebisch" food back with me. Schaeufele will probably one of those. So eat your heart out!