Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wow, its an Aurora!!

Ypu know what an Aurora is, don't you, a display of lights in the sky, from the south in my case, for you Northern Hermispherians they would come from the north.

As Kiya and I drove home from our last night of choir for two months (boo hoo - two whole months with no weekly choir sessions) we became aware of the intermittent flashes of light, always in the south, the way we were heading. When I dropped her off home I drove to the beach and found the darkest spot I could find and just sat there for a while, watching. Even if I had had my camera with me (and I usually do have it) I could not have captured the lights on camera, they are too infrequent and would not have taken kindly to the camera shutter speed delay. So you will just have to make do with my telling you how beautiful the lights were. This does not happen often, usually somebody phones in, if you happen to be listening to talkback radio, but Blackmans Bay is not a good place, too much light polution, the darker the better.

So, lucky me, I can go to bed happy!!

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