Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Guess what?

Today I went out and bought me a Microwave Oven!!! Me - who has always said I would never have one!!! I would say, I bought the smallest one I could find, as I don't intend using it THAT much, just for custard, Kens Porridge, white sauces etc, anything to save washing up a messy saucepan!

What bought this about, I hear you thinking? Yesterday we had a visit from the Sustainable Living Man, who went all over the house with a small toothcomb and made suggestions about how we could reduce our carbon footprint!! We will be getting a full report in due course, meanwhile maybe we will have to think about replacing our vertical blinds with curtains, at least for the winter, as most of our heat must go out of our big windows. But I don't really fancy those formaldahyde backed curtains they recommend here so maybe the time I will save washing up messy pans will be spent making my own hemp curtains!! Who knows.

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