Sunday, June 7, 2009

What a Bummmer (or in English) How Annoying!!!

A funny thing happened on our way to the Forum
should read, on the way to the Theatre we came into contact with a LARGE Four Wheel Drive and our car ended up looking like this, whereas theirs was almost unscathed.

It almost sp0ilt our evening, BUT we have a lot to be thankful for, we were unhurt and the car is still driveable (though it is booked in for Wednesday and we hope we won't be without it for long.

I would hasten to add that it was not our fault, or my fault, I was driving, these three scatty girls went over a red light, luckily we were only going quite slow, as the lights had just turned to green for us, otherwise it would have been a lot worse. Phew it can be scary out there!!

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