Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Chilli Tomato Pickle

Its a chilly winters day but the house is filled with the beautiful aroma of Chilli Tomato Pickle, a first time aroma for me, as usually I hate chilli but I have this new book called "A Year in a Bottle" by a local Tasmanian lady and am gradually getting through some of her recipes for Pickles, Chutneys, sauces, etc. This one is for Ken mainly, as he is a Chilli fan (having said that, he actually burned his mouth while he was on holiday as he mixed chilli with pineapple and apparently that is not good.)

I love cooking, it cheers me up when I feel down, and it is always good to do something new. Now, on my walks around the district I scrump (i.e. steal, pinch, take) banana passionfruit from along the footpaths which I tread. They are hanging there in ripe profusion, just for the picking, and they have a bad press, not as good as round Nellie Kelly Passionfruit which Tim and Mandie grow (so there is no need for me to steal these, I can have as many as I like.) On Tuesday I made a delicious Banana Passionfruit Curd (with fresh eggs supplied by grandson George, and butter) Yesterday I made a bottle of Passionfruit Syrup, oh how I wish I could give you a taste, and the colour is beautiful, a sunny yellow colour. Good to pour over icecream or plain yogurt.

As for the Chilli Tomato Pickle, I will let you know if it knocks our socks off!!
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