Thursday, January 14, 2016

Total Fire Ban - again!

Yesterday was a "stay indoors with blinds drawn" day, horrible, 33° hotter than in the goldfields in Western Australia!
So by 8 pm we were ready for a drive down to the beach and we were not the only ones there!   We sat and ate our McDonalds bag of chips!   The sky was beautiful and I did my "brain training" Lumosity al fresco.
Today we are back to 17° and it is very windy, The Spirit of Tasmania damaged itself by breaking its moorings in Melbourne so all the passengers are stuck onboard while repairs are carried out.
What else is there to report, oh yes I am in charge of providing Morning Tea for 100 Probus ladies on Monday so I have a little band of willing helpers to make sure it is all fresh and home Cooked!
Also today our newly elected Committee of Management for Lot 2 Redwood Village meets this afternoon here at No 28, I am Secretary so have been brushing up my shorthand!!.,   Yes we got rid of our Dictator and now are subjected to black looks as he drives by.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Thunderstorm brewing????