Thursday, January 21, 2016

Forgot the photo! Silly me!

Busy busy

Monday  I was masterminding morning tea for one hundred Probus ladies so I called in my Supervisor Heidi and together we made it a big success, we make a good team.   We had a team of five helpers, and together we made three loaves of lovely sandwiches, seven slices (cakes) and scones with my homemade raspberry jam and Creme fraiche, as you can see in the photo.   Heidi came in very handy with her BIG knife slicing up all the cakes in a much more professional way than I would have done and what made it all even better was that the kitchen at the Hall has just been completely refurbished and is all lovely and clean and wholesome, which most communal kitchens are not (always)

Picture from smokey Redwood

This is the view from our window today, and has been for the past few days.   There were so many lightening strikes in the west and now they have joined up.   The smoke from these fires has drifted right over the rest of us.   It is bad, and makes us realise how lucky we are with our usual clean fresh air.

    The mountain has gone!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Gallery expands!

With my latest Christmas presents from a certain talented brush stroke artist my walls are adorned with a beautiful proud Rooster and a fisherman with his Cormorants.   Clever isn't she?

Total Fire Ban - again!

Yesterday was a "stay indoors with blinds drawn" day, horrible, 33° hotter than in the goldfields in Western Australia!
So by 8 pm we were ready for a drive down to the beach and we were not the only ones there!   We sat and ate our McDonalds bag of chips!   The sky was beautiful and I did my "brain training" Lumosity al fresco.
Today we are back to 17° and it is very windy, The Spirit of Tasmania damaged itself by breaking its moorings in Melbourne so all the passengers are stuck onboard while repairs are carried out.
What else is there to report, oh yes I am in charge of providing Morning Tea for 100 Probus ladies on Monday so I have a little band of willing helpers to make sure it is all fresh and home Cooked!
Also today our newly elected Committee of Management for Lot 2 Redwood Village meets this afternoon here at No 28, I am Secretary so have been brushing up my shorthand!!.,   Yes we got rid of our Dictator and now are subjected to black looks as he drives by.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Harvest festival

This was today's "haul" from the Community Garden this morning.   I just look after my own three beds now, taking it easy for a change but it is a busy time as all this sunshine means more watering is necessary.
I saw on TV that snow was forecast for Berlin, hard to imagine but then the terrible floods in northern England and the bushfires here over Christmas says what a mad world we live in.

Ignore the beetroots Heidi but they will make delicious patties with the addition of some red onion and feta cheese, that will be our tea tonight.

My morning walk today was a birdie one!

Just went round the Heidi block today, my new iPhone is making me walk a bit more these days as I try to clock up 2000 steps daily but don't always manage it.

and then back into the village via Village Drive

All over for another year!

Yesterday it was time to take down the Christmas Tree and put away all the baubles for another year.
Quite a job getting it back into its original box

and get it tied up and down under the house