Saturday, August 2, 2014

Winter is really here!

What a week we have had, rain, gale force winds, more rain, freezing temperatures and finally, snow!
No wonder so many Tasmanians go north at this time of the year.
But we are snug and warm in our little house and we think ourselves so lucky that we have a secure roof over our heads.   I must admit, the other night I was so scared at the force of the wind against the windows in the bedroom, I put my head under the doona.   It seemed to go on for ages and made me think of people who would have had roofs torn off.   The north coast, and Burnie in particular, seemed to have copped even worse conditions than us.

But the mountain looked beautiful in its winter mantle of snow

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Can't believe you have actually got snow on the mountain! While we are haveing the best summer in years, and this time the north is better of than the south of Germany. Storms and floods have missed us and we enjoy lovely warm evenings and sunny days