Wednesday, March 5, 2014

As I write this

Heidi will be just about getting into Hamburg, I have been thinking of her during the day. Thinking what a bloody long flight it is and how tired she will be by the time she gets home, 35 hours, door to door!
If only we could take a pill, and wake up there.  Oh well, sleep well Heidi, I hope it was all worth it!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Thanks for your good wishes and the update on your blog as well as the mail. Lovely pictures and good memories of our time together.
Yes, I thought I would sleep like a log, but here I am in the middle of the night checking on the mails and your blog! But will go to bed now to be ready for my walk tomorrow.
Done the washing, read plenty of birthday cards and letters.
Now the garden waits.