Saturday, July 20, 2013

'ello 'ello!

I'm still here,been quiet lately, staying indoors,keeping warm but as you will see, I have not been idle!

I promised June I would show her the little quilts I have been making. I asked Tim what I (we in Probus Craft Group) could do for the neonatal ward and the two suggestions were quilted covers for on top of the humidicribs to keep the light out but to cheer up the ward for the parents and staff. Big project, put on hold till I can go and see for myself what they want, but the second suggestion was more appealing - little quilts for the basinettes (cots). So I got cracking, and below you will see where I am up to!


Heidi said...

what a lovely project! I am sure it will cheer staff and parents no end. So stay warm and keep up the good work.

Hazel said...

Thanks, am still at it, another two over this weekend! Should make one for Ed and Val, they have just had their first grandchild, thanks to Jon, he seems to have turned his life around, how lovely for them