Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Better late than never!

Last week Hobart celebrated the Winter Solstice with the launch of Dark Mona. David Walch pulled out all the stops with this fantastic light which went right up to the outer atmosphere and on a clear night you could see it from almost everywhere.

Photos show the light (copied from my RAC. Magazine cover) and one from a friend who went right to the source of the light and pointed her camera upwards. I went up during the day and took the last ones, showing its proximity to the Cenotaph and some of the 47 black boxes which made up the lights.

It was a great talking point, pity we can't keep it, after all Paris has the Eiffel Tower, Sydney has the Opera House, London has Tower Bridge, why can't we have The Light?


Heidi said...

amazing pictures!
And what do we have in Hamburg?
Die Elbphilharmonie - supposed to be finished by 2016

Hazel said...

Hope they are getting on with it, it is taking a time, I remember it from my last visit! Is it still not finished?