Monday, January 21, 2013


Yesterday was a lovely day and Heidi and Karlo came to share our Raclette with us. We needed a dummy run as Jos and Daphne are coming on Wednesday to play Mah Jong and I thought a novelty for them would be Raclette. Long time since we have had it out. Also made a beautiful Apple and Almond Pudding Cake from the double barrelled bloke on River Cottage, a popular Pommie cooking programme here. It was so delicious, in my haste to eat it I omitted to photograph it, sorry.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I thought Raclette was more of a winter dish? At least it is with us. But guess you can eat it any time so I hope your Wednesday guests will enjoy it.
And where is the recipe for the Apple and Almond Cake? Don't you share any more?