Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Boo hoo

It's all packed away for another year. I must say, contrary to expectation, I did enjoy our fake Christmas Tree and now the bay window looks quite bare without its presence. I should not really say that, because now we are back to the lovely view of the mountain, which is no longer clouded in bushfire smoke. The fires hopefully have abated, they are the worst since we have been here, and that is 26 years now.

A bit of sad news while I am here, George had a nasty fall on the second day of his mountain bike riding in N Z and is now out of it. He sustained three small fractures to his lower back and can only spend 20 minutes at a time on his feet, the rest of the time he is flat on his back. He had the option of returning home, but decided to stay in Queenstown with his mates.


Heidi said...

Glat the fires are finished and sorry for poor George. Thats what comes when boys will be boys.
About time that the X-mas decorations are gone.
Here, winter has come back with a bit of snow and minus degrees, so all back to normal

Heidi said...

Also had some love pictures from Mandie, Tim with full beard, all the boys + Granny and Grandpa!!