Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Some law abiding resident has done his good deed by blocking up my TWO escape holes. This now makes my morning stroll into a marathon hike.


Today was the nearest I have come to being dive bombed by a Plover! They obviously had eggs somewhere nearby as they stupidly lay them on the ground. I console myself with the thought that it is dogs they don't like, rather than humans but even so I beat a hasty retreat to the cover of the trees after I had warded one off several times. I won't go that way again when I have Daicos with me. Not a pleasant experience.

1 comment:

Debbie T. said...

I, too have done the Plover Runaway. Watch out for those sorry to hear about the do-goooder especially since I haven't gone on the walk with you...get some clippers and free yourself (and others)