Monday, September 10, 2012

An eventful 24 hours!

That I do not want to go through again in a hurry!

It all started with the gale force winds I have already told you about, they continued again yesterday and overnight it was terrible, thought the house was going to be blown away.

It all started around five pm yesterday when Heidi heard that her father-in-law had had a stroke so Karlo drove up to be with his mother,a four hour drive with all that terrible wind. Then at seven pm Heidi's power went off,luckily they have a wood burning stove so Karlo had built that up and at least she was warm and had a couple of good torches but without power she could not go to bed as sleep is not possible without her machine.
I went to bed after trying to phone her but she had diverted her mobile phone to her landline and somehow this did not work. Needless to say, I couldn't sleep either and by 3 am I was wide awake and worrying but still the storm force winds blew and quite honestly I was too scared to drive over there myself. An hour later the wind abated so up we got and drove over and of course frightened her a bit by arriving in the pitch dark in what seemed to be the middle of the night.
Anyway we were able to make us all a nice cup of tea on the gas bottle out the back and when it got light I drove home to get our gas cooker and while I was home(all in about 30 minutes) I managed to make soup and bake scones so she had some sustinence for the rest of the day or until the electricity was restored!
It finally came back on at around 4pm having been off for almost 24 hours.
Ken and I came back home as we were due to go out to lunch with Ken's Probus group, to celebrate my birthday! This went well, we had a lovely lunch and for once I left both the camera and the iPad at home so you will just have to imagine my braised porterhouse steak in onion gravy and Ken's Kassler but you can rest assured they went down well.

1 comment:

Debbie T. said...

Good to hear you were able to check on Heidi...hope all is well for Karlo's father as well..What a time you've had!!!