Saturday, September 29, 2012

It's ridiculous!

After such good weather, with 23degrees we again have snow on the mountain and gale force winds up to 100 miles?kms? an hour forecast.

Better get dressed and go for a walk, not so much incentive as Daicos has gone home BUT thanks to Heidi I have my iPod back on stream so I can get back to Clan of the Cave Bear.

To console myself I have a lovely bunch of flowers from Mandies garden.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Don't forget

To get the FULL picture just tap on it!


We can now claim to have the cleanest windows in the Village! Thanks to a very nice young man named Luke who spent a good two hours, inside and out.

The photo bears witness to my claim as it was taken looking through the window to the reflection of the mountain (and the cuckoo clock)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Some law abiding resident has done his good deed by blocking up my TWO escape holes. This now makes my morning stroll into a marathon hike.


Today was the nearest I have come to being dive bombed by a Plover! They obviously had eggs somewhere nearby as they stupidly lay them on the ground. I console myself with the thought that it is dogs they don't like, rather than humans but even so I beat a hasty retreat to the cover of the trees after I had warded one off several times. I won't go that way again when I have Daicos with me. Not a pleasant experience.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Another lovely Orchid!

Our neighbor has done it again,with this lovely Orchid.

A frog he would a wooing go!

Hey Ho Said Rowly!

Have re-invented our bird bath and now await some bathers.

Surprise, surprise

It is not dead, the clematis my gardener thought she had cut down is back, there is no keeping a good clematis down!

Battery point to Sandy Bay Sculpture Trail

This afternoon I spent a couple of pleasant hours with Daphne, sussing out the new Sculpture Trail. She needed to check it out for a Probus walk which she organizes once a month. It took us two hours which is just about long enough for them .

Nice old houses

There are quite a few nice old houses round Battery Point.

The Ichiums are out in full force

The bees and butterflies love them, and so do I.

This is one way to see Hobart!


No,this was not the year of MY birth but that of one of our most well known claims to fame,Errol Flynn. This was the end of the Sculpture Trail so now to retrace our steps.


After all that activity we needed some sustenance. Carrot cake and a flat white did the trick.

And finally,back to Salamanca via Arthur's Circus.

House guest

Yes we have a four legged visitor for a couple of nights while Tim and Mandie spend a couple of nights on the West Coast, at Strahan.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Come into the garden Maud

Everything is bloomin' nicely!
Thought you might like to see how things are progressing, this is one good thing about a new garden, you get lots of little surprises as things pop up. The azaleas and camellias have been particularly prolific and the poppies are new, given to me by friend Joan, who has warned me I would rue the day, as they have a habit of spreading! The Banksia Rose is full of buds so I am looking forward to that.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A night at the ballet

Nearly forgot to post that ken and I had a lovely night on Saturday when we went to the Theatre Royal to see Swan Lake. I did wonder how they would manage on that size stage but they did well and we had front row balcony seats, I enjoyed it and so did Ken.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

With YouTube you can even teach an old dog new tricks

Have just mastered the art of knitting in the round,which for the uninitiated means knitting on two circular needles at the same time so it comes out seamless (ie you don't have to join it up). Understood?

Monday, September 10, 2012

An eventful 24 hours!

That I do not want to go through again in a hurry!

It all started with the gale force winds I have already told you about, they continued again yesterday and overnight it was terrible, thought the house was going to be blown away.

It all started around five pm yesterday when Heidi heard that her father-in-law had had a stroke so Karlo drove up to be with his mother,a four hour drive with all that terrible wind. Then at seven pm Heidi's power went off,luckily they have a wood burning stove so Karlo had built that up and at least she was warm and had a couple of good torches but without power she could not go to bed as sleep is not possible without her machine.
I went to bed after trying to phone her but she had diverted her mobile phone to her landline and somehow this did not work. Needless to say, I couldn't sleep either and by 3 am I was wide awake and worrying but still the storm force winds blew and quite honestly I was too scared to drive over there myself. An hour later the wind abated so up we got and drove over and of course frightened her a bit by arriving in the pitch dark in what seemed to be the middle of the night.
Anyway we were able to make us all a nice cup of tea on the gas bottle out the back and when it got light I drove home to get our gas cooker and while I was home(all in about 30 minutes) I managed to make soup and bake scones so she had some sustinence for the rest of the day or until the electricity was restored!
It finally came back on at around 4pm having been off for almost 24 hours.
Ken and I came back home as we were due to go out to lunch with Ken's Probus group, to celebrate my birthday! This went well, we had a lovely lunch and for once I left both the camera and the iPad at home so you will just have to imagine my braised porterhouse steak in onion gravy and Ken's Kassler but you can rest assured they went down well.

My Heidi chocolate!

There won't be any left when Ken comes home, poor Ken it wasn't his fault that he got called out to play a snooker match on my birthday!

Mail from Germany came right on the day

And the Mah Jong set is permanently out so we can play when there is nothing good on the Box, which means plenty of practice!

Alls well that ends well!

I've had calls from far and near, presents likewise, including a Masterpiece from Heidi which will take pride of place here in our living room.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Heidi's art class

Yesterday I paid a visit to Heidi's class on Chinese brush stroke painting. I managed to take a few photos of them so I will share them with you.

My hole in the fence

This is my way out of the village if I feel like limba dancing! I have found a couple of other "escape holes" but I mustn't tell anyone otherwise they might patch them up.

The puppies are growing up

A visit to Joan and Las

They finally sold their nice place at the beach and now live near Heidi. Their garden looks beautiful, with three different kinds of magnolia and lots of daffodils.