Tuesday, May 15, 2012

New Gardening Coat.

How do you like my new coat, specially for when I am gardening at the Community Garden, so they don't forget who I am!!   It is a bit chunky, but it will be lovely and warm!
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Heidi said...

It does look nice and warm and will keep the frost from you.
But where was the picture taken?

Hazel said...

In Heidi's living room, don't you recognise the woodheater. The coat is from Karlo's Dad, when he used to work down the mines, but it was a brand new one, never been used, he gave it to Heidi but of course she would have no use for it, too heavy for one thing!

Heidi said...

The woodheater is the thing that had me puzzled - I thought it must be at Heidi's, but wasn't quite sure

Debbie said...

Love your nametag