Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mothers Day


It was Mothers Day on Sunday and Heidi thought it was time mother had a new phone, so here it is, neat little thing isn't it, the only thing she forgot to mention was how to turn it off, so when I went with Ken to see the Specialist and there was this BIG notice about turning off your mobile phone I had an uncomfortable half hour hoping and praying it wouldn't ring!!!
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Heidi said...

Hope she has shown you in the meantime how to turn it off! It can get very embarassing if a mobile rings at the wrong time.
My mother's day present from Katja was a new maritime jumper, just in time for the Hafengeburtstag - and a phone call from Kirsten telling us that she an Jonah will come for 3 weeks in July!

Hazel said...

Good one. You are lucky to have daughters, I got a dozen eggs from Tim! (and a nice dinner!)

Heidi said...

Well, you have at least one daughter!
I wonder how Tim and Mandie are getting on. I wrote to Mandie for her birthday and sent her a Cat Book, but never had any reply - just goes to show: "aus den Augen, aus dem Sinn"