Monday, May 28, 2012

You are never too old!

Won my first ever Silver Medal at the grand old age of !!!!
Good job they didn't make us stand up on a dais as these days my feet are better planted on terra firma!
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One cold, damp Saturday morning

Elaine and I decided it was time to give our cameras an airing, so we set off, via the local cemetery (didn't take any photos here, as no-one was up!) up the mountain.   The mist was so low but we went on, undeterred.
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Mossy stumps and raging river!


Tried hard to show you how fast it was running, didn't think of a short movie!
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Living out in the sticks - Aussie style


Wonder how far they have to go to borrow a cup of sugar!
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Wildlife abounds

This one came abounding across the road in front of us, up the bank and managed to sit still a minute so I could wind the window down, fumble around with my camera and still manage to get a reasonable shot!
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When I have had my Photoshop lessons

I will get rid of the powerlines!!!
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The original Old School House


has been tastefully renovated and is now a private house.
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and finally a waterfall where there is usually just a trickle.

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Friday, May 25, 2012

Debbie is back from America!!


She came to dinner the other evening and brought this lovely bottle of Red!
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Meet The Duchess of York!

oka (otherwise known as!) Fergie.   Tim's latest acquisition is this rather antique looking Ferguson Tractor, about which the Aussies have even written a song entitled "On my cute little Fergie Tractor"   I slightly offended him when I asked how much THEY had paid him to take it away!!   I must admit, he is already using it, although he said its running a bit hot, which seems just right for Fergie!!
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Sunday, May 20, 2012

I'm Back!!


First time since we moved that I went back to 'our' beach and did a walk, and what did I see on this glorious morning?   A little bird, looking this way and that, and a brave lady going in for a dip, brr, it was not THAT warm!
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Friday, May 18, 2012

Breakfast with the Birds!


Who needs to go out to Breakfast when the birds come right to you?   Sorry the wattle bird is headless, there were a couple of others but they were out of focus, I will do better tomorrow, promise.   Then along came the New Holland Honeyeater and he dived right in, as you can see.   Bon Appetit.
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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Give you three guesses!

Heidi took this photo of A YELLOW THROATED HONEYEATER, beautiful, isn't he?
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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Its not every day...............


that you get to see an original painting by the famous aborigine artist Albert Namatjira.   Claire, holding the painting, is the lucky owner of this painting, given to her by her mother before Albert became so well known.
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Winter arrived!

This was the view from the window the other morning, brr snow on the mountain, just the thought of it makes you shiver.
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New Gardening Coat.

How do you like my new coat, specially for when I am gardening at the Community Garden, so they don't forget who I am!!   It is a bit chunky, but it will be lovely and warm!
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Mothers Day


It was Mothers Day on Sunday and Heidi thought it was time mother had a new phone, so here it is, neat little thing isn't it, the only thing she forgot to mention was how to turn it off, so when I went with Ken to see the Specialist and there was this BIG notice about turning off your mobile phone I had an uncomfortable half hour hoping and praying it wouldn't ring!!!
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Monday, May 14, 2012

What clever friends I have!

The beautiful tree out the front which is gradually changing colour (scroll down for picture) is probably a Pistacia Chinensis, so there, put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Its still flowering, like mad!

This plant is doing well, now that I have brought it indoors.   It has these funny bldder-like clowers which come out of the petal-like flowers, after a few days the bladders shrink and drop off  - weird!
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