Tuesday, August 9, 2011



Is it August already? This time last year I was preparing for my departure, and this photo was on our way intoDresden with our first glimpse of the Frauenkirche in the background. How time flies when you are having fun!
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Heidi said...

Talking of fun!! I have cleared out my living room, books and all and just look at empty dirty walls and empty cupboard and sideboard. But won't it be nice once it is all done?
Will mail you pictures - hopefully next week

hazel said...

That must have been quite a big job, where have you put everything? What about the shelving, does that come down easily?

Heidi said...

It was, and I am quite exhausted. The shelves come down easily, once the books are cleared, but oh my, how heavy books can be. Put everything in bed- and guest-room and live like a gipsy. But next week it will all be over, white walls and new wooden floor!

hazel said...

all sounds great, and worth the work. Arn't you glad you don't have to do it too often?