Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sorry, I am a bit late!


Eighteen days late in fact, this is just not good enough Hazel, you will have to pull your socks up (which is getting more difficult as the years go by!)

One reason for not posting this before was I did mean to do my homework and name the twin tower structure in Dresden, the one thing I remember is that one tower is fatter than the other, and they represent the Prince and the Princess, must find my Guide Book which Katja gave me, it has it all in there, watch this space! I will return.....
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Heidi said...

It is not the Frauenkirche, but I have no idea of the name. Did you check it out in the meantime?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, had to be the usual know-it-all again ;-)

Good occasion to let you know what a good time we had with Mandie&Tim! And didn't take a single photo - sorry! Kisses, Katja