Sunday, May 22, 2011

Recognise this?


Yes, it is a banana skin, albeit a grotty banana skin as I had to rescue it from the chook bin the photograph it. I have been having quite a bit of cramp in my legs at night lately and one thing that has changed in my diet over the past few weeks is the disappearance of the humble banana! Since the Queensland hurricane and floods bananas have gone from one or two dollars a kilo to the dizzy heights of $14 or $15, which I (being the miser that I am) refused to pay, maybe my potassium level has dropped, hence the cramps. So yesterday I lashed out and treated myself to ONE banana, which cost $3.50, and I also bought some calcium and potassium tablets (which probably work out cheaper) So hopefully it is goodbye to my cramps and hello to the odd banana.

Footnote: Ken just came home with not one but TWO bananas, he must be getting fed up of being disturbed in the middle of the night by an ailing wife!
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Heidi said...

That is quite surprising. Perhaps I should increase my intake of bananas to ease the nightly cramps too. But I understand that at the price they are asking down under you would be reluctant. Fortunately, they are still quite cheap here

Elaine said...

You poor old dears . . . but hope the cramps disappear -horrible things