Monday, May 30, 2011

Just look at her expression!


Wonder what she was thinking of! Everytime we see her she seems to have grown a bit.
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Sunday lunch





It was such a lovely day we decided to drive out to Harzview Vineyard for lunch, a new experience for us. On our table were the lovliest flowers, any idea what they are?
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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Before the sun rose this morning!


I had to pause my Tai Chi DVD as the sky was just so perfect, and this was about ten minutes BEFORE the sun poked its head over the hills at the other side if the Derwent.

(Pity about the Electricity Pole - if there was one little thing I could change about living here in Paradise, it would be having the cables in our street put underground so they don't spoil my view but thinking how people in the Third World live, without all our modern conveniences, this is a very selfish thought.)
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Friday, May 27, 2011

Here is the first recipe



only another 199 to go!

Heidi gave me a new Cookbook, so I did the Leek and Thyme sausages with red onion and cranberry relish.
It was good, I will do it again but next time use Blue Cheese (instead of cheddar) and make it burger shape just to be different!
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A present from the neighbour!


which I ended up passing on. Any suggestions what else you can do with Artichokes (known by some as 'Fartichokes")
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Daisy is getting bigger



and Mo still tries to ignore her! Just look at that look of disdain on his face!
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Went for another walk




with the newly formed group run by the local Council. This time we went along the headland from Kingston in the direction of Blackmans Bay, to a little secluded beach which has a thriving little colony of Fairy Penguins now that the Council have put gates and "No Dogs" signs up and you cannot go down there after dusk. This beach used to be know as "The Nudie Beach" and I have heard of wild parties and untoward happenings there, which almost caused the demise of the penguins, but now hopefully they can R.I.P.

It was a beautiful day, clear blue skies, if a little chilly in the shade, but what can we expect, Winter starts in five days time!!
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and on the way back


we came upon this lovely Tree Dahlia quite finished the trip in style.
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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Recognise this?


Yes, it is a banana skin, albeit a grotty banana skin as I had to rescue it from the chook bin the photograph it. I have been having quite a bit of cramp in my legs at night lately and one thing that has changed in my diet over the past few weeks is the disappearance of the humble banana! Since the Queensland hurricane and floods bananas have gone from one or two dollars a kilo to the dizzy heights of $14 or $15, which I (being the miser that I am) refused to pay, maybe my potassium level has dropped, hence the cramps. So yesterday I lashed out and treated myself to ONE banana, which cost $3.50, and I also bought some calcium and potassium tablets (which probably work out cheaper) So hopefully it is goodbye to my cramps and hello to the odd banana.

Footnote: Ken just came home with not one but TWO bananas, he must be getting fed up of being disturbed in the middle of the night by an ailing wife!
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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sunset over Mount Wellington.


How is this for an odd cloud formation, but what a pretty colour.
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We had visitors!




Come on up there, it is my turn next! That is what the one on the rail said to the one feeding his beak. Arn't they beautiful, how could Australians possibly name their brand of tomato ketchup after these Rosellas?
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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sorry, I am a bit late!


Eighteen days late in fact, this is just not good enough Hazel, you will have to pull your socks up (which is getting more difficult as the years go by!)

One reason for not posting this before was I did mean to do my homework and name the twin tower structure in Dresden, the one thing I remember is that one tower is fatter than the other, and they represent the Prince and the Princess, must find my Guide Book which Katja gave me, it has it all in there, watch this space! I will return.....
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Good morning!


This is how I started my day today, and yesterday, and the day before that etc. etc. But today the sunrise was a bit special and it is just lovely to do my Tai Chi and be able to look out to sea at the same time. I do it every day now, my walking has got a bit upset and that is relegated to whatever time I can fit it in, rather than every morning before 8 o'clock but I guess you can't do everything at once. Have a good day.
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Sunday, May 15, 2011

She is getting bigger!

Here she is, and now she has a name, DAISY! At last I have my Daisy, have been waiting since George was expected~!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Just heard a good one on QI (English TV Programme)
When God designed the human body why was he not a very good Civil Engineer?
Cos he put the Recreation Area right next to the Sewage Outlet!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers Day



We went over to Heidi and Karlo for breakfast - and what a surprise we got!!!!
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Heidi and Karlo are happy to announce...





the arrival of an as yet unnamed sister for Mo!!
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Saturday, May 7, 2011

We did a 'new' old walk!






The Alum Cliffs walk, from Kingston Beach, has been re-routed and this was our first visit to the new track. Lovely day (again) and apart from the first l20 steps (phew) it was fairly level and very pleasant. Lots of history along this track as there used to be a Convict Station and a Brick works to keep them busy while they were there. The new steps are still under construction and are at the site of the Brick works. We will come again in a couple of months, when it is all completed.
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