Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Our Spring Garden




The Solomon Seal and the (Funeral)Lillies are beautiful at this time of the year. The Apple Tree looks as if there will be plenty of apples and even blossom on some of the grafts we put on the year before last so maybe we will get Bramleys and a couple of other varieties, all on the one tree!! How clever is that, in a small garden?
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1 comment:

Heidi said...

You seem determined to make me really jealous! As I look out of my window I can only see rain and grey sky, the leaves slowly disappearing from the trees.
But as for apples, I have been to Jan's on Saturday with Jonah and his host-brother Tillmann for Apfelfest!
Worked like crazy to collect apples, and the boys to shred and press. You might have seen Jonah's picture on his blog. But a good time was had by all.