Monday, February 15, 2010

Bird Walk

Before all the awful events of the past week I went on a Bird Walk with Birds Tas. You have to get used to spending half an hour discussing (very quietly) whether it is a Grey Cuckoo Shrike or a Pallid Cuckoo but it gets much easier when it is a little furry duckling on a lily pad!! Isn't he sweet?

This morning I got back to walking but decided not to take the camera, just a quick walk to the end of the beach and back. Bad decision, I came across a Fairy Penguin, alive but obviously in some distress up on the shoreline. I didn't have my phone, there was no one around, but eventually a nice young couple came along, they were used to 'Animal Rescue' as they recently found an injured Cormorant on the rocks, so they took care of it and said there was an animal rescue place not far from here. Wish I had had my camera, he was a sweet little thing, hope he will be


Heidi said...

Glad you are back to blogging. And thanks for the cute duckling, really sweet. Its been good talking to you and will do so again.
Hope Heidi will be home soon and I shall make sure to write to her.

Heather, said...

Lovely photo of the little baby duck, Hazel. Glad Heidi is on the mend. I know you will be happier when she is back home, though.