Sunday, February 21, 2010

Teaching Old Dogs New Tricks!!

Today we learned a new skill - Sushi Making!! We went over to Heidi's and Karlo gave us a demonstration and then we had a go. It was fun, and surprisingly I quite enjoyed the Sushi, I have always resisted this new food in the past, convinced I would not like seaweed and that it would be boringly bland, but not so, we kept to vegetarian centres and will certainly have a go at home in the near future.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Sorry I hadn't realised your new hobby. It took me some time to get to like Sushi when I went to Japan, but really got into it after a while. I have also made it myself a few times, but it is much more fun to go to a sushi place and pick out your favorite ones. So thats what we will do when you come to Hamburg and Berlin this summer!