Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Couple more pics

The contents of the boxes x 100!  And the lovely celebration cake.

Phew, it's over!

Kingston Ladies Probus yesterday celebrated its 25 th birthday and you can guess who took on the catering, although she had staff this time, Heidi and Kiya ame along for the ride.
We filled 100 nicely decorated lunch boxes with things like chicken filled rolls, homity pies and sausage rolls, chocolate brownies and home made salted fudge!   
Some photos of the operation accompany this post, suffice it to say it was a lot of work but much appreciated and the accolades are still coming in!
I have come to the conclusion that I am happiest in the kitchen, that is my place ( when not out doing stupid things like long walks,)

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Kalalo ( the cat)

Kalalo treats the place as his own, has settled in well and even venturing around the near neighbourhood.   Having only one eye he is no threat to the local birds.

I love you Grandma!

Colourful enough?

They say the more colours you can incorporate in your diet the better.   This little lot made fried rice in my lovely new non stick wok.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

I told you it was a bit up and down, didn't I

And I took this photo to prove it

Even Google sent their wishes!

My Birfday!

Had a good day, weather lovely, great present from Heidi and Phil, my companion on the walk

This was taken by PHIL from The Blade looking at Tasman Island, and this was my photo taken before we got to The Blade, on the left.

And this was my Birthday Dinner with Ken and Heidi at Don Camillo, an old Italian restaurant in Hobart.

Few photos from THE WALK

Although Heidi did a couple of iMovies I thought I should put up a couple of my favourite photos from the walk, so here goes: